Software Engineering class

FSM (finite state machine), DFD (data flow diagram), PND (petri-net diagram), lions, tigers, bears, oh my.

My head is swimming. Actually, I am getting most of this, and have been using some of these methods during my career (partially or otherwise), but, NOT consistently. Need to work on that!

My class team of four met after class – 3 of us understand the term project, and are making good contributions, but one person is so lost…doesn’t join in the discussions. Found out afterwards, while walking out to the parking lot, he has zero software experience and had previously studied microbiology…didn’t have a chance to ask him why he had chosen to pursue this type of study. I’m hoping as time passes, and with the help of his teammates, he’ll get a better understanding of the SDLC process. Oh, lions, tigers, bears, oh my!!