Babysitting the Granddaughter

I had the baby girl (Lailah) yesterday. She is such a hoot to be around. Picked her up at 11:30 and it was sprinkling a bit so she didn’t want to go to the park.
We went home and did so many things together (painting, of course, some choo-choo trains, etc.), but the best part this time was reading to her. There are times when she likes to “read” a different book (in her hands), as I read aloud to her from the book in my hands. This time, she cuddled so close to me, and we read the book together. We read several books but she wanted me to read a particular book (“From head to toe” by Eric Carle) a second (or third) time. We’ve read this one before on other days but I didn’t know it’s now become her current fav. The 2nd (or 3rd?) time we read it yesterday, she started “reading” it out loud to me (“I am a penguin, and I can turn my head, can you do it?”). Each page is a different shows a different animal, and a different action (a giraffe, bend her neck, monkey, wave her arms). Lailah got most of them right, but made a tiny mistake when we came to the crocodile (wriggle my hips). She got the animal right, but said something other than the hips. Obviously, she wasn’t reading, but has apparently memorized most of the book. She just blows me away sometimes with how smart she is.
I so much enjoy when she is in the mood for an impromptu kiss or, out of the blue, says: “I love you, granpa”. Makes a grown man want to cry.
On the other hand, we somehow (I forget how she maneuvered me) wound up in the bathroom, with her on the vanity, and wanting to brush my teeth (and hers), with the water running, and both of us “spitting” out the toothpaste. Several times, I tried to turn off the water (in order to take her to the kitchen for a late lunch), but she was having none of it. I made the mistake of finally (shutting off the water and) picking her up, carrying her out if the bathroom into the master bedroom, and of course, she had a (minor) meltdown – there are times when I know she is in real pain (physically hurt from falling down, or emotionally hurt), but I think she’s already learning how to “influence” what granpa does by turning on the spigots just to get her way. I fall for it EVERY time. She knows she’s got me wrapped around her (little) finger, the little rat.

I finally get her to the kitchen table, while all along she is telling me she’s not hungry. I put a “little stars and carrots/peas” thing in the micro, and place it in front of her – “I don’t like that”. Ok, I heat up some “chicken ravioli”, and, apparently, this is ok with her. Not only does she eat the ravioli, but she now wants the “stars/carrots/peas” thing as well. Go figure.
We eventually make our way back to the play room, and she loves to color and “draw”, with sharpies and highlighters, etc. I’m minding my own business next to her as she draws, and she starts coloring one of her stuffed animals – no big deal. Moves to coloring me next, just a few lines on my arms. Again, no big deal – it comes off. I eventually notice she is coloring her arms, and I look down, and see her feet are now colored (no socks on). I just shake my head and we go into the bathroom for a sponge bath – again, she is fascinated by the water coming out of the faucet, and doesn’t want to leave.
Usually, when I have her, I’m able to “last” until 7:30/8pm, before taking her home to mom & dad. But, last night, at 6pm, I was getting a bit tired (and honestly, needed some quiet time). She still hadn’t napped and still wanted to play with me, but understood it was time to go. We put on her socks and shoes and of course, she wanted me to carry her out to the car. By the time I got out if the neighborhood and hit the first stop light, she was out, her head drooping slightly, snoring (ok, not snoring), in her car seat.
Seeing her only once or twice a week is just NOT enough. She is the cat’s meow. She is the best. I miss her already.
Lailah – thank you so much for coming into my life. I cannot wait to see you next time (on Friday, I hope).
P.s., each time she is with me, I take dozens (if not a hundred) of pictures of her/us together. I’m behind with posting them here, but I know you guys are probably “relieved” that I don’t post every pic I take. Lol.
Have a great day, everyone.


  1. I’m not tired of seeing pictures of her! Never… :P)