Note to self: when taking the granddaughter to Sam’s Club, do not, repeat, do not, take her down the toy aisle.
Silly me, we passed a 3 story dollhouse sitting on a shelf. I picked her up to show her all the various rooms and furniture in it.
Tried to move on many times, but she wasn’t having it. Tried to tell her it’ll be a Christmas present, but that didn’t go over (too young to understand that, I think). Eventually distracted her and/or she realized her fake/real tears weren’t going to move me,
I guess I may have fibbed a little bit by saying “they” will put it in the truck for us, (the plan, maybe, is to buy it a bit later).
So we get home and immediately after taking her coat off: “Granpa Brian, can we get the dollhouse out of the truck now?”
Smartie pants.
Lailah – Sam’s Club and the Dollhouse
November 10, 2014 By