Mr. Trump and his Tweets following “Orlando”


Presidential Candidate Donald Trump and his Twitter tweets (please see the above photo), in chronological order, since Mr. Trump became aware of the mass killings in Orlando.

I also looked at his official campaign website – no official statement from him (other than the tweets in the attached photo).

As opposed to the following from Secretary Clinton:

“I join the Americans in your prayers for the victims of the attack, by their families and the teams of first intervention they did everything possible to save lives in Orlando.

This was an act of terrorism. The authorities and the intelligence organizations are working hard and we’ll know more in the coming hours and days. For Now, we can say for sure that we have to redouble our efforts to defend our country of these threats here and abroad.

That means defeat international terrorist networks working with allies and partners to engage them wherever they are, confronting their attempts to recruit people here and everywhere, as well as strengthen our domestic defence. This means, in addition, refuse to be intimidated and remain true to our values.

This was also an act of hate. The Gunman was attacked by a LGBT club for the month of pride. To all the LGBT people: know that you have millions of allies all over the country. I’m one of them. We will continue to fight for their right to live freely, openly and without fear. Hatred has no place in the United States.

Finally, we must ensure that the weapons that were used last night never fall into the hands of terrorists and other violent criminals. This is the most deadly shooting in the history of the United States and makes us to remember that the weapons of war have no place in our streets.

This is a time to come together and do everything we can to defend our communities and our country.”

Who is more presidential?
Who is more articulate?
Who is more coherent in their thoughts?
Who is not thinking about “sound bites”, but actually says meaningful words?
Who doesn’t bring “politics” into this awful tragedy by criticizing our current president?
Shaking my head at Mr. Trump – he could have used this sad day, to show us his true personality.