Archives for 2016

Letting go…

Let It Go Brian. Just Let It Go. Move On And Don't Give The <insert a less derogatory word than "a**holes" here> Another Thought. Let It Go. Now. Or It Will Eat You Alive. … [Read more...]

Max, the cat

Well, procrastination/indecision does me in, once again. Max, the cat I met at the humane society 3 weeks ago, apparently was adopted recently. I'm happy for him, sad for me. Still am unsure about getting a pet (dog. or cat), I know I need/would love one...   … [Read more...]

Model Railroading books and eBay

Some backgound first: I'm a collector of vintage Model Railroading books. By "vintage", I mean books published from the early/mid 1930's to the hobby's height of popularity in the mid/late 1950's. That is not to say, I don't collect "newer" MRR books than that since I also collect MRR books from the the 60s, 70's, 80s, etc. The vintage MRR books though, are written in eloquent prose style … [Read more...]

Being rescued…

My remembered version of a known parable/story: There was this really old guy (age ~57), reading the newspaper, which warned of a flood coming in a month or so. He ignored it, saying, it's a month (or so) away, I don't need to prepare. Besides, if worse comes to worse, God will rescue me. A month later, the old guy heard a tv newscast, warning about a huge flood, to occur in two days. He ignored … [Read more...]

Grad ceremony and cameras (and little girls)

Omg, so much to share, don't know where to start. (Maybe, we'll only share one story right now) FYI: If you bring your 4 year old granddaughter to a one-time event, such as someone's college graduation ceremony, don't let them play with the camera before taking the pics. Camera "setting" icon was supposed to be on "green/auto". Ended up set on an icon of a "track/field runner". Which, if you're … [Read more...]

Memories about a couple of classes at St. Thomas

Out of the ten courses I took for my recent degree, this was the most favorite of mine (software process Mgmt) - the instructor was the most engaging person I've ever met (in "recent" life). I really, really enjoyed learning from this guy (Syed Ali Naqvi). I cannot believe two years have gone by since I took this guy's class. The second class mentioned, while I loved learning web design / … [Read more...]

Chewbacca mom…

Guess what's selling/trending like "hot cakes" on eBay? That's right, the "talking Chewbacka mask"! 70,000 views. Lol. One person makes a silly video, posts it online, goes viral by making millions of us laugh our heads off, and now the company that makes these things is "in the money". Who'da thunk? 🐻🐨🦁🐵??? 😱😉🤓 … [Read more...]


Gosh, I remember going thru this routine (on a road that had a stop sign at the top of a hill) after buying my first used stick shift and trying to get it home, with my brother in his car, behind me. Car was a '76 VW Rabbit. Really, really loved that car.   Learning to drive a stick-shift … [Read more...]

Random thoughts

Am I the only one that used to "rush" to the mail box each (and every) day, after coming home from work? Am I the only one that would "rush" to the curb side on Sunday mornings, to get the newspaper so we can read the news and go thru the advertisements? Sometime, around ten yrs ago, when I moved into this place, I stopped getting the daily and Sunday papers. I sometimes miss the paper. Reading … [Read more...]

Modelrailroading video

Kind of a longish (30 mins) video, but well worth it, in terms of seeing what can be done with model railroading. The first minute or two of the video doesn't really do it justice - need to be a bit patient with the videographer, until he actually zooms in on the details, for example, the cracks in the concrete roadways, and various scenes such as the cemetery, and the detail on the buildings, the … [Read more...]

Grad ceremony and Senator Amy Klobuchar

I neglected to mention yesterday that US Senator Amy Klobuchar was the commencement address speaker. Senator Klobuchar gave a pretty awesome speech, sharing with the grads a short version of her life story of simple beginnings (grandfather was an Iron Range miner, parents were a newspaper writer/columnist, and a elementary school teacher), and her starting a career in law and eventually getting … [Read more...]

Whining and the dry cleaners

I consciously make a huge effort not to be a whiner or complainer, but who the heck trained "the new guy" at the dry cleaners to press slacks on the seam, instead of on the crease?? They look pretty awful. [yes, I know I can probably take them back in to have them redone...not the point] 👖 not my zoo, not my rodeo 🙈 😱🙄😉🤓 … [Read more...]

Tv watching- Scandal!

Finished binge watching Scandal S5 this past week or two, what a freaking roller coaster! Who's on whose presidential ticket, the steamy affair between David and Liz, David then falling in love with VP Susan, people being offed left and right (Olivia - What the heck??), and finally, there was Hollis Doyle (playing Donald Trump), and, finally of finalizes: Cyrus! Oh yes, a slight hint of … [Read more...]

Lailah visiting after the grad ceremony

Icing on the cake tonight, perfect ending to a perfect day. Got to spend time with, and play with my little girl for the last four hours, first, at the "water park" (which unfortunately didn't have the water turned on yet), but they also have a huge playground with a huge jungle gym, swing set, slides, etc. We played there for a long time. Then we painted for a bit, read a few books (a new one … [Read more...]

Master Degree and College Graduation

I want to thank everyone for your awesome support and comments today - it was a very special day for me. Usually, participation in a college graduation ceremony happens only once or twice (and, in rare cases, three times) in a person's life. I never wanted a Master's degree until I watched my best friend Kelsey graduate with a similar Master degree in software at the same school, back in 1991, … [Read more...]

Prepping for the Gard ceremony

As mentioned weeks ago, I received a series of three different emails (on the same day) in early April from my graduate school program director regarding graduation, the ceremony, grad announcements, etc. One of the emails had a link to the U/Saint Thomas bookstore, where you could order your cap/gown, grad announcements, thank you cards, address labels, etc., along with the option to order … [Read more...]

Video plagiarism – part 2

A follow-up by Jaime, regarding the person who was copying her video talks, word for word (i.e., plagiarism). Apparently video blogging is copyright-able, and is indeed IP (intellectual property), and Jaime had her lawyer issue a "cease and desist" letter, etc. to the plagiarizer. She also then shares her thoughts as to how she used this incident to teach her kids about plagiarism and why it's … [Read more...]

Obama graduation ceremony speech

Short two and a half minute video. At least watch the last 45-50 seconds. Obama Video … [Read more...]

Steamy Scandal episode

I delayed watching scandal S5 until it ended recently,, and I'm now on E7, where Elizabeth North is meeting with David Rosen, and he is telling her, he doesn't like her, repeats it's more than a few times. She comes up to within centimeters of him, and makes him say "I like you" to her...and then passionately kisses him, commanding him to "take a seat, Rosen." Omg. Wow … [Read more...]

Video plagiarism – part 1

Jamie is someone that I sometimes view, since she usually has a few inspiring/motivating thoughts, etc. She recently learned that there was a person who apparently also watches Jamie's videos but then made her own "videos" using Jamie's words - word for word. Watch this short video, you'll first see Jamie speak for a few seconds, then you'll see this other person, saying the exact same words, … [Read more...]