Really didn't say anything when there were previously posted. … [Read more...]
Archives for July 2017
Build of Chalky’s Pool Hall
Didn't post anything other than to express frustration with trying to install the wrong shingles, and then finding later on the right ones. We put this aside for a period of time, obviously. … [Read more...]
Build of Stanley Stoves (part 4 of 4)
Well, I think I should first explain about “Jim”, who’s seem to have fallen right at the exact moment of me taking these pics. Poor Jim, he had a really rough night last night. He was at the bar last night, forgetting he had to work this morning. Good thing he’s the foreman at Stanley Stove - so, if anyone’s going to shout at him for coming to work drunk, it’ll be Jim, shouting at himself. … [Read more...]
Build of Stanley Stoves (part 3 of 4)
Much happier now, repainted the windows a second time (3 times total); I just did not think the repainted yellow windows fit in. I added the tar paper to both roofs, and then colored / weathered the tar paper, and added some “roof patches” to a few spots. Mostly, in addition to what I just mentioned, I spent “a lot” of time taking some sandpaper to the walls to weather them - makes it look more … [Read more...]
Build of Stanley Stoves (part 2 of 4)
Another post of pics without words. I first painted windows a dark brown (too dark), and then changed them to yellow (yuck). … [Read more...]
Build of Stanley Stoves (part 1 of 4)
I didn't say anything when I first posted these. … [Read more...]