You know, I truly believe, for the most part, I try to be a positive person, in my personal life, as well as my professional life at work, and, with my blogging (yes, we all know I have a burr up my butt regarding one particular topic), but, in general, I believe I’m an optimistic, positive type of person.
So, with that in mind, let me say this, if I don’t say it often enough:
It’s a great time to be alive and living; I have a pretty good life; a pretty good career over the last ~forty years; two great (& my best) friends who I dearly love; and I have a very special group of very special people who’ve allowed me to become a part of, and continue to be in their family as GranPaBrian, to the Best Little Girl Ever; as well as a whole ton of other stuff (music, my hobby, books, etc.) that bring me a lot of happiness and joy into my life.
I’m writing this now, since I just became aware of a fellow model railroader here on FB who was diagnosed with cancer four years ago (with the initial diagnosis of having less than a year to live), but has now apparently beaten it; and, it seems each day, he sends out an FB msg saying “how great it is to be alive”. That was my inspiration for my msg above.
I hope once you will read this, you’ll be inspired to be just a little bit more positive about your life, or about life in general, etc.
There are lots of people that love you – whether you know it or not, either within your family at home, or your friends, or your work colleagues. So, let them know how much you love them, and appreciate them being in your life.
Thanks for reading, and being a part of my life,