Start of the holiday season

True story.

[i wish]

Ok, not a true story.

[but, it could have happened – just not here in Beautiful, Quiet, Calm, Downtown Apple Valley]

Driving home from the transit station just now, I encountered not one, not two, but THREE houses that had their Christmas lights turned on.

In each case, I drove up their driveway, leaned on the horn until the owner popped their head out their front door, and I then SHOUTED at them:

It’s November 19th, for gosh sakes, three days BEFORE Thanksgiving, turn off the Christmas lights! PLEASE! Feel free to turn them on again, on (or, preferably after) the official turning on of Christmas lights day, which is Friday!

[now tell me, isn’t this what you are thinking too, when you see Christmas lights on before Thanksgiving??]

P.s., there is no Turkey emoji, so, you’ll just have to be satisfied with: 🎄
