Statement of beliefs and values – election 2024

You gotta know by now (after 8-9 yrs since the 2015-2016 presidential campaign trail), that I’m a liberal;

I’m a democrat;

I support gay rights, and same sex marriage;

I support a women’s right to choose; I support women who have to make an agonizing decision, and that decision is theirs alone to make; I do not ‘get’ people who feel the need to stick their nose into someone else’s pregnancy.

I support gun control, and any, and all movements that lead to the banning of assault rifles; i also support getting rid of handguns; I do not ‘get’ people who think their ‘right’ to own guns outweighs the rights of our children who are being killed by mass murderers who somehow feel the obscene need to shoot and kill school age children, or people at a park, or concert, or wherever; who apparently are so angry or so deluded, that they need to take their anger out in this stupid way. Yes, peopje kill peopje – but guns, especially assault rifles make it easier to kill 10-20-30, or even 60 (& wounding ~400) all within a few minutes (i.e., the 2017 Las Vegas massacre).

I acknowledge the fact and truth that over the last hundred yrs, with the Industrial Revolution, and the extraordinary ramp-up of the planet’s population (in the last hundred yrs) to almost ~8 billion people today is causing, and is THE PRIMARY cause of climate change (how can it not be?);

I acknowledge that there is still a huge amount of racism in our country, even after 50-60 yrs of civil rights legislation, which must be eradicated and stopped.

I acknowledge that there is and always has been rampant sexism and misogyny by men who cannot stand women in leadership positions; who feel a need to put down women every time they speak. We need to teach young boys that girls are equal, and no boy is better than any girl; we need to teach them: it’s wrong and improper for anyone to put girls (or women in general) down; wrong and improper to denigrate them;

I support the idea that the United States is still a great country – one of the best in the world; I do not support the idea that the country is failing, or whatever nonsense the Republican Party (and former president trump) is saying about our great country.

I support government (and congressional) leadership who have vision, and plans, and are positive in their thinking; I do not support negative, nay-sayers who just complain, and whine, and are uncouth, and have no decorum, who make stupid comments about women without children, who are so incapable of leading, etc.

I was pro-mask, and pro-vaccine when the time came when we needed to all come together to eradicate Covid.


Eight yrs ago, around this time in 2016, or a few months prior – I saw roughly one half of my FB friends were Donald Trump supporters, and I immediately un-friended them; I did not un-friend them due to them being republicans; but due to their continual insistence that mr. trump (without any government leadership experience) was a better presidential candidate than the other candidate who had at least thirty yrs of working in government, and was a former Senator, and a former Secretary of State. I went from ~150 so-called FB friends to ~75 “friends” in a period of months, without giving these quasi-friendships a second thought. I felt that strongly about my politics then, and I continue to do so now.

Some people can look past their ‘friends’ politics, but I am not one of those who can do that. Those who voted for donald trump in 2016, or in 2020 (after seeing how inept he was as the 45th President), and/or who plan on voting for him this November – If you are one of those people, or if your spouse is a trump supporter, please unfriend me now. I consider myself to be pretty open-minded; but, not with regard to continuing our friendship if they are against my values and beliefs.

Thank you for reading this. Please show your support for Vice President Kamala Harris by voting for her this November. Please do not sit at home thinking your vote/voice don’t count.

Brian S. Williams (July 26th, 2024).