Weathered the rest of the walls tonight, painted, then stained and then glued on the windows (all 22 of them), glued one side/end wall to the front wall, and one side/end wall to the rear/back wall. Now need to glue each “L” section to each other, forming the building rectangle. The roof is just mocked on - not glued on yet - need to put on the shingles or tar paper before gluing them on. Need … [Read more...]
Build of Shipyard Brewery – 1 of 6
This is “Shipyard Brewery”. Started this today, and got a lot done with it. This particular model kit is what’s called a “false front” building. The kit is designed to build only the front half of the building, and there would be no “back” to it - with the intention of placing it ag...ainst a wall on your model railroad “layout”. If it’s against a wall, your visitors wouldn’t be able to see its … [Read more...]
Two or three (once again, profound) thoughts of the day.
I’ve written ~6 long winded blog posts (including this particular one) since receiving my new typewriter style keyboard in the mail last week - all of which (including this one), have been typed via the glass iPad screen. Methinks I need to move the new typewriter keyboard to the end table of my couch/lazyboy. (life, sometimes, can be, so very hard, for me.) (man, was that a Christopher Walken … [Read more...]
Canals in Saint Clair Shores
(note: need to further edit this story since it’s not flowing the way it should. need to add the pictures that go with this) (boy, this was just going to be a post about some stupid canals in SCS, but, wow.) ====== Starting around 1966/67, my mom went back to work (having started working during WWII until ~1956 when she became pregnant with her first child, my brother), making the Williams … [Read more...]
Two (very profound) thoughts for today
After a few yrs of saying “I love working downtown”, let me tell you, it sucks to walk three blocks from the bus stop to the office at 8am, in minus 15 degree weather (not including windchill), for several days in a row. Boy, I just still love my Amazon Prime Now (grocery delivery service), especially in January, here in MN. The selection of things still is somewhat limited in my opinion, but … [Read more...]
Movies – Molly’s Game
Went to see “I, Tonya” at the Uptown Theater, getting there ten minutes before the movie started - thinking it would be pretty easy to get in. Holy Crowd, Batman! It was sold out! Fortunately, the Lagoon Theater is just a block away, and had a choice of seeing Star Wars, “Three Billboards”, or something called “Molly’s Game”. Didn’t know a thing about the 2nd or 3rd movies, but noticed that … [Read more...]
Twittering, Mental Stability, and, like, really smart
A lot of you know I like to share my life (and experiences) with all of you, by FB blogging. Today, I’ve decided to start twittering as well. Here is my very first Twit: ... Actually, throughout my life, my two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really smart. 📱🍔🚀 😱🙄😉🤓 (years from now, I'm going to wonder what this post was all about - the above tweet was actually … [Read more...]
Am I Happy – Friendships
There are times when I question my life, etc. Am I happy, etc.? Most times I just don’t think about stuff like that. And, if I do think of stuff like that, I just try to fluff it off, and just trudge on. I don’t have a lot of (excessive) drama (a good thing) in my life. I’ve have had a great career, and somehow was able to achieve some ordinary (but, significant for me) goals I set for myself long … [Read more...]
Prayer in schools?
I’m on the bus, meaning it’s hard to write one of my infamous long winded posts. But here is a premise and question: “Prayer in schools” Do you remember “prayer/ praying in schools”? I’m 58, grew up as a young kid in the 1960s, and graduated in ‘77, and I just do not remember ever praying in a class room, nor as school assemblies, nor at school events/games. I went to public school, to put … [Read more...]
Gun Control – Call Now!
First time in my life that I’ve ever called my senators (or representatives). But, I so much wanted my voice heard reflecting my opinion regarding the ban on assault weapons, as well as guns in general. I called both of them, and left msgs, asking them to either introduce a bill or support a bill regarding this issue. The number to call is 1-202-224-3122. That’s all you need, it will ask if … [Read more...]
Las Vegas – Gun Control
It’s been a horrific day. I’m going to turn off FB for awhile, for the rest of the night, I hope, and, maybe, for a bit longer. But one final thought: There are several “industries” that create products that kill our own kind on purpose. Some products are regulated by government such as cigarettes or explosives. Some products have been banned/made illegal, such as addictive drugs such as Meth, … [Read more...]
Las Vegas 2 of 2
I am overwhelmed with sadness. You would think one could build up a tolerance for this kind of thing (Las Vegas). No, I’m not able to – not me. In fact, more and more, I find myself getting sadder and sadder each time it happens. But, while I am overwhelmed with sadness, my anger is also increasing. More, and more, I’m getting to be so angry at the lack of willingness to make laws regarding … [Read more...]
Las Vegas 1 of 2
Infinite sadness this morning, just reading now about the tragedy in L.V. What makes a person do this act of evilness? … [Read more...]
McDuffs Buildings – Main building – update
Spent the evening working on McDuff’s main building, adding in the (teal) portico (“drive-through”) scaffolding, weathering the walls be scuffing them, the weathering really shows well on the red walls, but not as much as the driftwood colored walls. Going to have to try another method for those. Added the (teal) lower storefront windowed / front door wall - that was almost a fiasco because I’d … [Read more...]
Build of Staton Marine (4 of 4)
I hadn’t taken the time to weather the walls of Stanton Marine. I’d done the roof, but not the walls, and it showed (I’ve included a couple of before pics - prior to the wall weathering). So, this morning, I finished this structure by using 2-3 pigment powders, and also 2-3 alcohol inks. It really looks so much better with the walls aged. Took me about an hour or so. Very happy how this kit turned … [Read more...]
Buld of Staton Marine (3 of 4)
After letting “Staton Marine” sit around for a week or so, I gave it a go tonight and it’s now ~90% completed. Only two things left to do, put in some under the roof trim wood under the three upside down “V” sections of the roof, and then weather the walls a lot by scuffing them up a little bit. I loved how the roof turned out - with the battens, and the weathering I did on it, using some alcohol … [Read more...]
Build of Staton Marine (2 of 4)
Spent a couple of hours today working on Staton Marine. Painted and installed most of the windows, 2 of the 3 doors, added the roof rafters, painted and glued the three roofs on. Still left to do: adding the under the roof trim, two sets of windows to install, one barn door to install, battens on the three roofs, installing the pulley gizmos above the barn doors, gluing on the 2-3 signs and … [Read more...]
Build of Staton Marine (1 of 4)
I’ve written up this update now four different times. Don’t ask why. Operator error. This is “Staton Marine”, still a beginner skill level kit. Started on this tonight, and was able to do the interior bracing, and the painting of the walls, and the gluing of the walls. Still to do: painting of the windows and doors, gluing the roof down, adding the tar paper, signs, etc. might have this done by … [Read more...]
Dolly’s build 2 of 2
Didn't say anything when these were originally posted. … [Read more...]
Build of Dolly’s 1 of 2
Really didn't say anything when there were previously posted. … [Read more...]