I gave my first ToastMasters Speech yesterday. Here is the text of the speech - clocked at a few seconds under five minutes. Mr. Toastmaster, Fellow Toasties/Toasters: I spent my first 5 yrs out of high school, going to college, with the end result being NOT a college degree, but rather flunking or withdrawing from half of the classes I had taken. That’s right, for every two classes I … [Read more...]
Toast Masters First Speech (first rough draft)
So, I joined ToastMasters here at USPS a few weeks ago and I have to give a four to six minute "Ice Breaker" speech to my fellow Toast Masters in a few weeks time, telling them who I am, etc. Here is what I plan on saying, I'm sure I'll be editing it a bit. [believe it not, it looks long winded, but its ~5 mins long]. My first five years of college (yes, that’s right, 5), right out of high … [Read more...]
Daily blogging – life experiences – just start doing it!
Sometimes, I share the most boring stuff, which book I just finished reading, which movie we just saw, which TV series/season I just finished. Other times, I wear my heart on my sleeve, writing about feelings, friends, work, etc., and it seems i tend to knock it out of the park on those occasions (go figure). I really need to try to get into writing a major thought down once a day, and post … [Read more...]
Software Engineering class
FSM (finite state machine), DFD (data flow diagram), PND (petri-net diagram), lions, tigers, bears, oh my. My head is swimming. Actually, I am getting most of this, and have been using some of these methods during my career (partially or otherwise), but, NOT consistently. Need to work on that! My class team of four met after class - 3 of us understand the term project, and are making good … [Read more...]
Phase One of Scenic Ridge Development Effort
In the Fall of 2006, I purchased a "Woodland Scenics" model railroad kit called "Scenic Ridge". This kit is N-Scale (they also have 2 HO-Scale kits). The kit has many, many components in it, but basically can be put into two categories: Various foam pieces and landscaping materials such as grasses, rocks, and bushes. The layout, when completed, will be 3 feet by 6 feet in size. After … [Read more...]
Computer Programmer vs. Software Engineer
Last week, I posted a short entry on my blog about “computer programmers”, “software developers”, and “software engineers”. One of my friends (and, myself, many years ago), thought “aren’t they the same thing?” [If you don’t like to read long winded articles, please skip this one]. Here is a quick generalization, with which you should take with a grain of salt, since the lines do blur, and … [Read more...]
2nd class at Saint Thomas: Software Engineering
First session of SEIS 610 Software Engineering was 2 weeks ago. I was immedaitely impressed by our instructor (C. Lai). He put up easy to read slides, and spoke toward them, not reading them word for word. He spoke for the entire 6-1/2 hour class, giving us instruction on the term's group project, and the first 2 assignments, as well as enlightening the class about a "new" (read: different) … [Read more...]
Visio of Dover Basement – post construction mods
This is what the Dover basement could have turned out to be. In this diagram, I decreased the size of the project room (by 2-1/2 feet on the right), increased the size of the bedroom (by adding that same amount to the left). I then moved the door of the storage room to be next to the bedroom window, allowing the bed to be placed in the southeast corner. Not sure whether I like the project … [Read more...]
1st class at Saint Thomas: Technical Comm.
Well, let's just say, I wasn't impressed with our instructor. She never seemed prepared, either didn't show us the agenda for each day long class, or showed it in the middle of the day (as an afterthought). She read directly from her powerpoint slides, word for word, instead of parapharsing the points or even (heaven forbid), expanding on them. I did get a chance to do three oral … [Read more...]
U/Saint Thomas – Acceptance Letter to their Master’s Degree program
Got my University of Saint Thomas "Graduate Programs in Software" acceptance letter today! [for their Master's in Software Systems degree program]. If I do this right, It'll take a bit more than 2 years to complete, but could take as long as 3. I'm excited but it seems my first class HAS to be "Technical Communication" (ugh). … [Read more...]
U/Saint Thomas – application letter sent to Graduate Program in Software
Today, I submitted my application (and "admission essay") to enroll in University of Saint Thomas "Master of Software Systems" master degree program, hoping they will accept me for the fall term. I submitted it 2 weeks after the "priority" due date but they say they accept applications to enroll "up to and including the day classes start". Hopefully, they will have space for me for fall term, … [Read more...]
TV Guide Names the Top Cult Shows Ever – 2007
30) Strangers with Candy (1999-2000) 29) Absolutely Fabulous (1994-2003) 28) Stargate SG-1 (1997-2007) 27) H.R. Pufnstuf (1969-1971) 26) Mary Hartman, Mary Hartman (1975-1978) 25) Firefly (2002-2003) Watched in 2010/2011. 24) Twin Peaks (1990-1991) - tried but couldn't get into it 23) Dark Shadows (1966-1971) - loved it when I was a kid. 22) Doctor Who (1963-present) 21) Freaks and … [Read more...]