Bullying movie…

If there can only be one status that you read of mine, this is the one to read. Please take two minutes to read this posting. I usually don't pick a movie at random to watch on the tube. I usually know what the subject is before I watch a movie. I was on NetFlix tonight, and under "New releases", I saw a title called "A girl like her". I didn't know what it was going to be about. I usually do … [Read more...]

Internet Haters

It's quite interesting (and ironic) that when someone posts a story about how she reacted to overhearing some teenagers and stuff they were saying, there are still "haters" who are bashing this woman, for telling the kids "to be kind". The "haters" just do not get it. If you are unable to say anything positive, just don't say anything. Original post about haters … [Read more...]

HBO “Girls”

I must be one of the most clueless persons on earth... A month or so ago, I decided to check out this HBO comedy-drama called "Girls". Supposedly it's really "funny", and I thought I really needed to get some "funny" in my life. "Girls" in case you don't recognize the name, is this comedy created by a woman named "Lena Dunham", and, according to many comedians, she is supposed to be really, … [Read more...]

Graduation present from a friend

Received this awesome and very unexpected present in the mail today. What a great book - I absolutely love this photographer and his photos! It's even autographed by him! Thank you so much, Debbie! — with Debbie Riddell. … [Read more...]

Garrison Keillor retiring…

When I first moved to the Twin Cities almost thirty years ago, I thought this local legend was such a goofball. Now, after living here and hearing his show numerous times, he's grown on me, and while he's still a goofball, I think he's a pretty funny goofball. You're in our thoughts, Mr. Keillor. … [Read more...]

Grace and Frankie S1/S2

Binge re-watching season one of Grace and Frankie (before moving onto S2). Episode 12 has Grace (Jane Fonda), and Frankie (Lily Tomlin), dancing on top of a bar in a nightclub with a bunch of twenty yr old guys ("boys") cheering them on. I don't even want to go where I'm about to go, but how can two "girls" in their mid 70s still be "so hot"??? What's that new phrase, 70 is the new … [Read more...]

Letting go…

Let It Go Brian. Just Let It Go. Move On And Don't Give The <insert a less derogatory word than "a**holes" here> Another Thought. Let It Go. Now. Or It Will Eat You Alive. … [Read more...]

Max, the cat

Well, procrastination/indecision does me in, once again. Max, the cat I met at the humane society 3 weeks ago, apparently was adopted recently. I'm happy for him, sad for me. Still am unsure about getting a pet (dog. or cat), I know I need/would love one...   … [Read more...]

Being rescued…

My remembered version of a known parable/story: There was this really old guy (age ~57), reading the newspaper, which warned of a flood coming in a month or so. He ignored it, saying, it's a month (or so) away, I don't need to prepare. Besides, if worse comes to worse, God will rescue me. A month later, the old guy heard a tv newscast, warning about a huge flood, to occur in two days. He ignored … [Read more...]

Chewbacca mom…

Guess what's selling/trending like "hot cakes" on eBay? That's right, the "talking Chewbacka mask"! 70,000 views. Lol. One person makes a silly video, posts it online, goes viral by making millions of us laugh our heads off, and now the company that makes these things is "in the money". Who'da thunk? 🐻🐨🦁🐵??? 😱😉🤓 … [Read more...]


Gosh, I remember going thru this routine (on a road that had a stop sign at the top of a hill) after buying my first used stick shift and trying to get it home, with my brother in his car, behind me. Car was a '76 VW Rabbit. Really, really loved that car.   Learning to drive a stick-shift … [Read more...]

Random thoughts

Am I the only one that used to "rush" to the mail box each (and every) day, after coming home from work? Am I the only one that would "rush" to the curb side on Sunday mornings, to get the newspaper so we can read the news and go thru the advertisements? Sometime, around ten yrs ago, when I moved into this place, I stopped getting the daily and Sunday papers. I sometimes miss the paper. Reading … [Read more...]

Whining and the dry cleaners

I consciously make a huge effort not to be a whiner or complainer, but who the heck trained "the new guy" at the dry cleaners to press slacks on the seam, instead of on the crease?? They look pretty awful. [yes, I know I can probably take them back in to have them redone...not the point] 👖 not my zoo, not my rodeo 🙈 😱🙄😉🤓 … [Read more...]

Tv watching- Scandal!

Finished binge watching Scandal S5 this past week or two, what a freaking roller coaster! Who's on whose presidential ticket, the steamy affair between David and Liz, David then falling in love with VP Susan, people being offed left and right (Olivia - What the heck??), and finally, there was Hollis Doyle (playing Donald Trump), and, finally of finalizes: Cyrus! Oh yes, a slight hint of … [Read more...]

Obama graduation ceremony speech

Short two and a half minute video. At least watch the last 45-50 seconds. Obama Video … [Read more...]

Steamy Scandal episode

I delayed watching scandal S5 until it ended recently,, and I'm now on E7, where Elizabeth North is meeting with David Rosen, and he is telling her, he doesn't like her, repeats it's more than a few times. She comes up to within centimeters of him, and makes him say "I like you" to her...and then passionately kisses him, commanding him to "take a seat, Rosen." Omg. Wow … [Read more...]

Cyber Bullying

Cyber bullying - what causes a person to become a bully? This attached article is about bullies bullying authors via Amazon book reviews as well as on the "GoodReads" book review social media site. You might want to read it before reading the rest of this posting, in order to better understand where I'm coming from. I wonder if their spouses or significant others know that they do this? I wonder … [Read more...]

Doug McColman – still in care facility.

I recently wrote to Doug McColman's brother Don. Don indicated Doug is still at Texas Terrace...and is now getting over a bout with pneumonia. You may remember Doug had a stroke/heart attack in early Sept. and then a second one in late September. Since October, he's been in a care facility called "Texas Terrace Care Center", located at 7900 West 28th street, in Saint Louis Park [55426] Please … [Read more...]

“ABOMINATIONS” – Franklin Graham

"Abomination" I so much dislike that word. As in: "Deuteronomy chapter 22 verse 5. Read your bible everyone. The whole transgender issue is an abomination in the eyes of God." Someone who I love with all my heart recently "liked" the above FB posting quote. -- I moved away from my hometown when I was just twenty four, and therefore, have not been a part of this person's life since that time. … [Read more...]


To say the very least, this isn't the typical fare I share. I'm not as you all know, a bible thumper. But, I'm in the middle of writing a blog post that I'll be sharing later today/tonight and this particular article I'm sharing now goes pretty much hand in hand. Acceptance. Tolerance. Love. Leave "Hate" at the door. Original blog post … [Read more...]