Lunch with BFF Rick

Before heading out to have lunch with BFF Rick. Thought we were going to eat in the downtown skyway, but we ended up at RidgeDale, at Bar Louis, having blu/buffalo burgers and a beer(s). … [Read more...]

Initial interview with Thrivent

Had an initial "get to know you" thirty min phone interview with an IT director at Thrivent Financial last night (for the Appleton WI contract-to-hire position). And, my recruiter just called - Thrivent wants a face to face interview with me, scheduled for 7/21 (due to hiring mgr/director now on vac until then). Fortunately, Thrivent has a huge office presence here in the TC, and so this next … [Read more...]

Lailah, painting model cars

Lailah decided she wanted to paint one of her "Hot Wheels" cars on Tuesday. It's original color was white. I think she needs a bit more practice if she wants to become a professional body shop paint person. (I told her, don't give up your day job, just yet.) … [Read more...]

Movie suggestions by Amazon Prime

Amazon Prime recommended movie choices for the big guy (aka Moi) Hunt for Red October Or Jaws. Man, that's going to be one tough decision. (Crimson Tide wasn't on the suggested list, but since we're talking about "boat" movies...) … [Read more...]

Lailah and a child’s hand

After ~thirty-five years as an adult and not knowing what's it's all about, I am now able to relate to this short essay below (re: a child's hand laying casually on your arm, or their hand touching/exploring your face, or a tiny hand in your hand, walking together, outside), due to a little girl entering my life four years ago. It's been a truly wonderful, and beautiful, eye opening experience for … [Read more...]

Jesse Wiliams at the BET Awards

A fellow by the name of Jesse Williams gave an impassioned speech at the BET awards recently. It's been getting some (almost viral) press so I watched/listened to it, and didn't have any issue with it, actually thought it was a pretty good speech, and he's a very passionate, eloquent, articulate speaker. I'm not sure, but I may have even shared his speech here. At the time I thought no big deal - … [Read more...]

Surprise visitor today

I am having a guest / visitor today, and we're going to have a wonderful time together today. She truly rocks my heart. Can't. Wait. To. Enjoy. The. Day. With. Her. … [Read more...]


Severe rain storm here in DARK (but still beautiful) downtown Apple Valley. It's just sprinkling a bit now (after sounding like it was almost hailing), but the power went out for about three-five seconds, which is unusual for this side of town. ...back to our regularly scheduled program... … [Read more...]

Singing debut of Lailah

Lailah sings … [Read more...]

Photography and Fireworks

The problem with shooting 280 fireworks photos (in the space of thirty minutes), is trying to figure out which are the "truly great" and which are only "good", the easy part will be throwing out the junky ones. Some of the "good" ones look "artsy-fartsy", and while I like them, i don't think others would agree. Going to try to review them and post only the top 10 percent - we'll see how that goes. … [Read more...]

A fav blogger of mine wants to give up…

One of my fav FB bloggers made a decision a week ago to take a break from writing, but then wrote the following post this morning. My South Carolina Life You might want to read her post first (to understand the context) before reading my comment to her: Susan, I had a friend over this morning, and while they were doing something in the kitchen, I got onto FB for a few mins, and noticed your … [Read more...]

Commentary on what qualifies a person to be president?

The following is a commentary I wrote last night as a response to a friend's post, and I thought I would share here as well. The topic was "trusting (or not trusting) so-and-so candidate". The version below has been edited and expanded on, with additional thoughts. Not any one politician/candidate can satisfy all 200 million eligible voters in the USA, 100% of the time. They all have to make … [Read more...]

Tesla, Auto-Pilot, and software development

Reading a pretty cool and short (text)book (yawn), called "A gentle introduction to the art of object-oriented programming in Java. (yes, a truly exciting two volume set) Uses as an example, the programming of a robot. Reading this book, and also reading the recent news posted by my former colleague Charles Rader, about the first fatal accident with Tesla's autonomous self-driving car, makes me … [Read more...]

Homeless people

Humans of MPLS - Homeless interview A sad situation, and a catch-22: need a job to get away from being homeless, but being homeless prevents them from getting a job. Homeless people should be a number one priority for our help (both via our government, and our selves). ==================================================== “How did you end up homeless?” “I struggle with addiction and depression, … [Read more...]

Recruiters – faux pas

Had a very awkward realization just now. One of the two recruiters I spoke with on the phone yesterday, sent me a LinkedIn invite a few minutes ago. The person I was saying "no mam", "yes mam" to, is male. In my defense, their name is Abhinav, and seemed to have a high pitch accent. In no way is this post making fun of them - I'm quite embarrassed by this. … [Read more...]

Model Railroading and “Collecting”

So. Most all Model Railroader hobbyists are also "collectors". They (read: "we") either collect engines (locomotives), passenger cars, freight cars, or even things called "structure kits" (various types of buildings you put together). We usually do our collecting via eBay, or at the local model railroading flea markets, etc. Sometimes, we even collect "track". (to run our MRR collection on...🙄 … [Read more...]

Maps – Houston, and Appleton

I love maps. I really do. I can stare at them for hours. I absolutely love looking at them. But, sometimes, even when I look at these things for hours, some stuff doesn't "sink in". Like, I know, the Twin Cites is way, way north of Detroit (where I grew up). Way, way, north, meaning, if you drew a horizontal line from Detroit, moving West, Minneapolis would be way, way north of that line. I … [Read more...]

New TV series

Well, it seems I've been in a writing mood today. So, this last one is going to be quite short. If you like science fiction with your tv shows, then try out "Humans." Awesome premise, causing some very profound thinking about our future with "robots". If you have already seen this series or start watching it, I would enjoy reading your thoughts on it. I want to say more, but can't find the … [Read more...]

Recruiters calling…Houston and Appleton

Had a recruiter contact me (today) about a six month contract job in Houston, and a second recruiter (yesterday) for a contract to hire position in Appleton, WI. This second one I'm not so sure about, since it seems to be from one of those recruiter job mill firms that send out hundreds of emails (not bothering to see if you are qualified or not), with them hoping to get a bite on their line … [Read more...]

Waking up in the middle of the night

Highly unusual for me to wake up at 3:30 am...tried to fall back to sleep, nope. Now (around 4:15-4:30), my lovely backyard birds decided to start their head-banging music (aka, chirping). 😱🙉😉🤓🙄 … [Read more...]