Bread Maker arriving today

On my way home on the bus, I remembered my new Bread Maker was being delivered today. The Amazon product listing did not mention whether or not the maker included an initial bread making mix, so I thought I should go buy some after getting off the bus. Knowing Cub Foods would probably be overwhelmed with people doing last minute shopping for the holiday, and because I also needed to go to Michaels … [Read more...]

Thanksgiving proclamation

Have a safe and warm and fun, Thanksgiving Day tomorrow, everyone. Enjoy your time away from work, and enjoy this time with your family, or maybe with your friends. Try not to stress out too much about Uncle what’s his name, or Cousin so-and-so, they were placed in your life for a reason! Happy Thanksgiving to all of you. Thanks to all of you for your friendship over the years. Brian. … [Read more...]

Bread Maker ordered!

Ordered myself an Oster Bread Maker this afternoon. Should get it by Wednesday afternoon/evening. Gonna try it out that night or first thing Thanksgiving morning. Been invited to share Thanksgiving with a couple of friends - they’re (without them knowing) going to be my guinea pigs. 🥖🍞🥖🍞🥖🍞🥖 😱😉🤓 … [Read more...]

Start of the holiday season

True story. [i wish] Ok, not a true story. [but, it could have happened - just not here in Beautiful, Quiet, Calm, Downtown Apple Valley] Driving home from the transit station just now, I encountered not one, not two, but THREE houses that had their Christmas lights turned on. In each case, I drove up their driveway, leaned on the horn until the owner popped their head out their front door, … [Read more...]

Netflix and new series

Watching the new NetFlix series, “The Kosminsky Method”, aware that there would be several guest cameos. One of whom was to be Ann Margaret. So, in she walks, and I am just STUNNED how amazing she looks. Be still my heart. I cannot believe I’m saying this (out loud) about someone who is in their mid seventies, but she hasn’t aged a bit (as compared to Michael Douglas). Good for you, Ann Margaret, … [Read more...]

Significant outerwear sale(s) at my fav clothiers

FYI Land’s End is having a 50% off promotion sale (today, at least). “WINDY50” Eddie Bauer is 40% off (today, at least). “COUNTDOWN” LL Bean - no promotion, full price. Guess where I bought my new winter down parka from? Actually I bought one each from the two places that had promotions, and we’ll see which of them fits me better when they arrive next week. This is replacing my trusty twenty … [Read more...]

Grammar and spelling in news media

The state of affairs in grammar/spelling, within the news media: Two news media outlets posted headlines yesterday saying almost the same thing: “so-and-so has just warned people in his fire devastated neighborhood that ‘Looters will be shot on site’...” They were referring to a person posting a warning msg either on their property, or on social media. Normally, when a news media outlet … [Read more...]

Is it that time of year already??

Yesterday I was having lunch with BFF Rick, at a Hamburger joint in the Skyway in (Beautiful Downtown) Minneapolis, and it comes out that Thanksgiving is NEXT week. How come I’m always the LAST person to know?? Did YOU know this?? Not that it matters, but I thought it was in two weeks time. 😉🤓 That’s what I get for never looking at my calendar. I don’t think (current employer) gives us Friday … [Read more...]

Forest fires in California

It’s really gut wrenching to read the news, and seeing the recent photos from California, and realizing people are losing their homes, to another huge forest fire(s). I cannot imagine having to evacuate, and then coming back to find my home gone. Keeping those in California in my thoughts today. 🙁 … [Read more...]

Getting sick at the kitchen table??

This post is a bit gross - you may want to skip it. ==== The weirdest thing just happened (an hour or so ago). I was sitting at the kitchen table, reading some small text on an instruction sheet with my cheaters on. I’d just finished twenty minutes before eating a bowl of cereal, admittedly having my first meal of the day at 1pm (which is highly unusual for me). And, I started feeling dizzy for … [Read more...]

Snowing tonight

“I AM NOT HAPPY” Says the guy who just left his office building, and out into a snow scene straight out of something usually in DECEMBER (not November 9th!) 😱🙄😉🤓 ⛄️🦍☃️🦖 … [Read more...]


POOF! And, just like that, WINTER IS HERE! 😉 … [Read more...]

Fav Blogger in the hospital

I’ve been following my most favorite blogger/writer for a couple of years now. She’s such a hoot with her writing. You may have read some of her posts that I’ve shared with you during these past couple of years. I’ve learned that Susan Hipkins DeBow has been in the hospital for the last couple of days. It sounds heart related (“afib”). If my FB friends could keep her in mind, it would be greatly … [Read more...]

Airplane pilots joke

From two years ago.... Eddie Glaude Jr., chairman of Princeton’s African-American Studies Department, said the following on MSNBC: "I was in the airport coming from LSU—I gave a talk down in Baton Rouge, and . . . some guy stops. He’s talking to me about politics. And he says, you know, if there’s a crook who is going to go into the cockpit, who knows how to fly the plane, and then there’s an … [Read more...]

Not able to sleep

Insomnia, insomnia, go away, come back, another day. [woke up, probably around 3:30 - 4am, probably will get tired/sleepy again right before the time when I need to start getting ready for work] 🧟‍♂️🧟‍♀️🧟‍♂️⚰️ … [Read more...]

Video of Little Girl painting her pumpkin – need video here

Further 3-4 min video of the little girl painting her pumpkin. … [Read more...]

Random thought prior to the Little Girl’s visit

Friday night: nothing. Saturday morning, Saturday afternoon, Saturday night: nothing, sitting round the house. Sunday morning: tidying & cleaning the place because “company” is coming over, “highly” motivated, super-excited. Sunday Afternoon: three and a quarter very special hours with Lailah. Priceless! Sunday evening: still riding the wave from this afternoon. ==== And, poof, and just … [Read more...]

Laugh of the day – Lailah’s and the pumpkin

True story. Laugh of the day. To set this up, you have to be made aware that my short driveway is on a very slight incline. I go pick up Lailah from her parents house earlier this afternoon, we then went to the local grocery store, and bought two medium to large size pumpkins, and also some of the pumpkin decorating tools, and gizmos, a Halloween cookie baking mix, etc. I pull into the … [Read more...]

Movie – “The Post”

I don’t go to the movie theater as often as I used to. When I was in my twenties, I would go probably twice a month. In my thirties and forties, it became once a month. Now, in my fifties, I only go once in a blue moon (3-4 times a year). This could be due to a vast number of reasons, so we won’t go there, since that in, of itself, would detract from this post. However, exactly because I don’t … [Read more...]

Bedroom lamps

Ok, in order to tell you tonight’s story, I have to fess up to something. Yesterday was the second “day one” of the 21 day new habit challenge (for me to kick the FB habit). I made it thru all (ok, most) of yesterday without getting onto FB. I believe I used it on the bus in the morning, but I did not get on the blasted thing last night, not one iota. Thereby freeing up dozens, if not hundreds, … [Read more...]