President Trump’s State of the Union Address – “unemployment”

President Trump stated tonight (once again) in his State of the Union address that there are "94 million unemployed Americans". Let's take a few minutes to dissect that number to judge the validity of that statement. There are roughly 323 million people living in the United States. If there were 94 million people unemployed, that would mean, the unemployment rate is now at 29%. In 1933, in the … [Read more...]

Lailah, xmas presents and Mouse Trap Game

One present of the several I bought for Lailah this Christmas that i didn't wrap (since I obviously had bought too many), was Mouse Trap. I set it up today (for the next time she's over baby sitting me), and while it seemed similar to what I grew up with, it was different. So, I did some of my usual Wikipedia research, and found a pic of the '60s game which then led me to another game I played … [Read more...]

Trump and nuclear weapons

U.S. President-elect Donald Trump, when asked to clarify his recent comments about expanding U.S. nuclear weapons capability, said "Let it be an arms race!", and that the United States would win it (as reported on Friday by MSNBC). According to one source, there were a total of ~70,000 nuclear weapons world wide in the mid to late 1980's, and as of 2010, the total was down to ~20,000. Another … [Read more...]

The Big guy and his blue eyes

A month ago - for all his life (since fifth grade). The big guy stares into the mirror. All he sees is a face with glasses. He's able to remove the glasses, of course, but then has to stick his face three inches from the mirror in order to see his face clearly, and, of course, since he's so close, he can only see a fraction of his face. The big guy works in an office building where you have to … [Read more...]

Knight and Day – With me, without me

From the spy comedy movie "Knight and Day": Tom Cruise is talking to Cameron Diaz, about her life expectancy...raising his hand, then lowering it, raising his hand, and lowering it. "...out there on your own, with me, without me, WITH ME, without me." [guess you had to be there - to see his hand gestures.] The scene is about one minute and twenty seconds in. youtube of knight and day … [Read more...]

Bus and Lite Rail courtesy

Ugh. Sat next to a young man this morning on the bus, while he spoke on his phone in a low voice, thinking he wasn't disturbing everyone. Didn't remember I had my headphones in my briefcase. Was getting very cranking listening to him jabber on. Thirty minutes worth of someone's conversation I didn't care to listen to. Across the aisle was a young woman - doing that thing that should be done … [Read more...]

Christmas Shopping

Left work a few minutes later than normal this evening, got off the bus around 6:30. Forced myself to drive the two blocks over to Tar'get and do my Christmas shopping. Intended on only shopping for a few toys and clothes for the girl. Not going to mention how many "toys" (dolls, and games, etc.) I ended up getting. Not going to mention the number of different clothing things. Not going to … [Read more...]

The West Wing parable and President-elect Trump

Tonight, as I try to fall asleep, I'm reminded of an episode of "The West Wing", (from Season One, Ep 14, "Take this sabbath day.") President Bartlett had to decide whether to "stay" an execution that was scheduled to happen in less than 48 hours, and he consults wth a variety of people (his staff, the Pope, a Rabbi, a Quaker, and finally a Priest), and agonizes over the decision. Finally, a few … [Read more...]

What I go through to show my love for the little girl

Jordan and Katie (Lailah's mom & dad) drive over to the house this morning to pick something up for her. Jordan comes into the house, leaving the two girls (mom & daughter) in their running car, keeping themselves warm. It's just too cold for them to go through the effort of unbuckling her, walking to the front door, just to walk out again with the thing they were picking up. Made perfect … [Read more...]

Chapter One.

"Red Avalanche, Grey Envoy", a book of fiction by B. Scott Williams. Part one - "The Fjord" Chapter one - Southbound. The tall, overweight man stands with a dozen others, on the street corner, waiting for the next Southbound bus to arrive and take everyone to their suburban homes. He's tired after a day at the office, typing away at his keyboard: Type. Type. Type. Click, drag, drop, … [Read more...]

Kelsey’s mom has passed away

My best friend's mom passed way on Wednesday. She was 97. Please keep Kelsey and his family in your thoughts. Thank you. … [Read more...]

Neighbor’s passing

Before I turned on my "find your device" app (see previous post), I was out in my truck searching for my phone. My next door neighbor pulls into her driveway, opens her car window, and calls my name. This is pretty rare for her. Although we lived next door for the past ten years, we usually just wave, and just say "hi". I get out of my truck and walk over to her. She starts telling me about how … [Read more...]

Alex Baldwin…

What the heck: flipping channels in the hotel room, coming across "The Match Game", with Alec Baldwin as the host, even including the iconic Gene Rayburn (stylish) microphone (long and skinny). Always loved him in Hunt for Red October. Even more than Harrison Ford. I know he was in "hit" TV series 30rock (never watched it), but, now, a game show host?? … [Read more...]

The drive from MPLS to Appleton, WI

Eating at the "first" place off the "freeway", a few miles from the hotel. Fortunately it's a pub/grill (not fast food), and going to be eating some yummy "buffalo" tacos soon. Five hour drive, could have done it in 4-1/2, but made a wrong turn somewhere near Stevens Point, making me go South, instead of continuing Eastbound. Unfortunately, when you do this (here in WI), the exits are ten miles … [Read more...]

New job causes me to wonder about Lailah’s toys…

A lot of you have seen my various videos of Lailah, mostly in the breakfast nook, but sometimes in the living room. During those LR videos, I've tried not to show the area where all of her toys are kept. It's under a 3' by 6' table where on top, I've kept the beginnings of my model railroad "layout". (The model railroad has its own story and that's not the purpose of this essay (other than to … [Read more...]

Eating, and Chocolate

Talking about eating... As mentioned in a previous post, Rick and I were having lunch yesterday, and I remarked that lately, I have an urge for chocolate immediately after having a meal "to cleanse my palette", resulting with my snarking down a chocolate bar, ("immediately") after dinner, etc. Astonishingly, he told me he also has the urge/feeling/desire, and does the same. Anyone else do this? … [Read more...]

Past years election results – electoral votes

1932, landslide Roosevelt 462, other guy 59 1936, landslide Roosevelt 523, other guy 8 1940, landslide Roosevelt 449, other guy 82 1944, landslide Roosevelt 432, other guy 99 1948,                  Truman 303, other guys 189, 38 1952, landslide Eisenhower 442, other guy, 89 1956, landslide Eisenhower 457, other guy 73 1960,                  Kennedy 303, other guys 219, 15 1964, landslide Johnson … [Read more...]


I've been following a "anti-body-shaming activist" on my FB feed. They recently posted a status update, having 29 hashtags. I'm not a Twitter person, and I believe I do understand the purpose of hashtags, but isn't it overkill to give a post that many? Do you think they are all her hashtags, or a combination of her tags and others? Do you then go out to all of those hashtags to review the … [Read more...]

Eyesight – part 2

Eye care corneal sub-specialist appointment for corneal examination scheduled two months from now. Talking about a doctor having a busy schedule! They say for me to block out two hours for the exam. Was really hoping to get in much sooner than that. … [Read more...]

Lunch with Rick and Chocolates

Had lunch with BFF Rick yesterday. We ate, at his suggestion, at a new place called "Shake Shack", supposedly known for their awesome burgers. Huh. Wasn't impressed. Later on, we walked around MOA, getting in our ten mile hike, like usual (jk), and of course, we walked past Lindt Chocolatiers. They were having a sale (of course), a bag of 35 truffles - $16. Thirty five is plenty for me. On the … [Read more...]