If you want to see some pictures and video of what’s happening in California, search for “Peter DaSilva” on FB. He’s a professional photog, and while the subject is devastating, his pictures are, well, words escape me since you can’t call a photo of destruction “amazing”, or “beautiful” – not sure what word would be […]
Photo of The Little Girl – INTL Day of Music – Downtown MPLS
Not shooting pics of Lailah
Let it be known that GranPaBrian spent a short period of time with the little girl on Friday evening, AND then all afternoon on Saturday, AND did not take out his cell phone to take any pics of her. He also didn’t bring a camera with him either. Enjoying the life of Lailah without a […]
Haircuts and selfies
The great thing about “new hair cut” selfies, you can always “forget” to take a “before” pic of how bad your hair looked before the new cut. 😱🙄😉🤓
Loring Park Art Festival – part 2
As posted earlier today, we went to the Loring Park Art Festival yesterday. These are the two photographs I picked up. The photograph of Lake Calhoun looking toward the MPLS downtown skyline is truly awesome, and was the first one that caught my eye by this particular photographer. Its 10×14, with a 3” mat surrounding […]