I’ve been a late bloomer in some areas of my life: ok, a late bloomer in most areas of my life. But, a really late bloomer when it comes to my home life. I figure this was partly due to not having a father figure after high school, as well as not becoming a home […]
U/ST class: Software Analysis and Design Tools – OVER!
Last night of class (System Analysis and Design Tools) was last night, submitted my video presentation on time (via YouTube, will share the link – haha – later), had a cold so my voice was pretty raw and didn’t follow my script as much as I should’ve, but overall, I think I did a pretty […]
Web Page Updated: Library / Model Railroading Books!
Check out this webpage of mine – I’ve just updated it with a list of duplicate MRR books that I’m trying to “get rid of” – either by sharing with my fellow MRR’s, selling on e-bay or donating to the Kalmbach Library (NMRA). Contact me if you have any interest in owning one or more […]
The start of a new era – creating my own website/blog.
Sometime, in the late ’90s, Microsoft (MSN?) had a very simple tool that allowed a person to create their own website – I did it and created several pages, listing various things about myself, such as my education, where I lived, it even included a list of […]. Anyway, One I created it, I didn’t […]
Class #3 at Saint Thomas: Systems Analysis & Design Tools
Well, I started my third Masters course at U/Saint Thomas last night: SEIS620 – Systems Analysis and Design Tools – 14 evening sessions, a bit more than 3 hours per session. So far, the instructor is a hoot and based on the first night, he should make this topic quite interesting. There are almost twenty […]