Well, it seems I’ve been in a writing mood today. So, this last one is going to be quite short. If you like science fiction with your tv shows, then try out “Humans.” Awesome premise, causing some very profound thinking about our future with “robots”. If you have already seen this series or start watching […]
etc. (Misc)
Recruiters calling…Houston and Appleton
Had a recruiter contact me (today) about a six month contract job in Houston, and a second recruiter (yesterday) for a contract to hire position in Appleton, WI. This second one I’m not so sure about, since it seems to be from one of those recruiter job mill firms that send out hundreds of emails […]
Waking up in the middle of the night
Highly unusual for me to wake up at 3:30 am…tried to fall back to sleep, nope. Now (around 4:15-4:30), my lovely backyard birds decided to start their head-banging music (aka, chirping). 😱🙉😉🤓🙄
Cheating at sports
NPR article about professional cyclists cheating I can understand putting a motor in your bike, if you’re just a person who likes biking and is getting a bit old in the tooth (to help you go up on some of those steeper hills). But, if biking is your “profession”, and you then make a conscious […]
Britain vs United Kingdom vs England
I never really understood the different nomenclatures – this visualization really helps. However, I wish it also included Canada and Australia. ===== “This may be the most useful Venn Diagram I’ve ever seen” Original post