Two more blog posts to do. Second to last – as previously noted, my internet was down from late Thursday thru Saturday afternoon. The technician comes around my place at 3:30, worked on the outside box for quite some time. Finally comes to the door, introduces himself as a Charter employee, and we talk about […]
Today’s Supreme court decision in Haiku
The Supreme Court’s decision in Haiku (author Daniela Lapidous) Roberts’ dissent: I support you all No, really, I do, but this Isn’t our problem. Alito’s dissent: “Happiness is not the point of marriage, fools. It’s BABIES,” he whispered. Thomas’ dissent: “Liberty” – this word, I do not think Locke means what You […]
Miscellaneous unrelated posts – #1
Ok, a bunch of small short unrelated posts tonight. First, did I mention I had lunch with BFF Rick last week? He lives downtown MPLS, and we usually do something in the SLP or Ridgedale area. We ended up eating at Big Bowl at Ridgedale – hadn’t been there in quite some time – had […]
Supreme Count decision – Gay Marriage
The following are not my words (and I lost the original link). Justice Anthony Kennedy who authored today’s ruling legalizing same-sex marriage throughout the United States closed his opinion with one of the most beautiful passages in Supreme Court of the United States history. No union is more profound than marriage, for it embod- ies […]
MPR article about having an e-device section at symphonies
Classical MPR article about e-devices (opens in a new window) Would this be nice to have – absolutely – if and only if, you were in a sealed off room by yourself. Otherwise, it will be a distraction to all other concert goers. Yes, I read the article, and saw that you could only use […]