True story. Laugh of the day. To set this up, you have to be made aware that my short driveway is on a very slight incline. I go pick up Lailah from her parents house earlier this afternoon, we then went to the local grocery store, and bought two medium to large size pumpkins, and […]
Movie – “The Post”
I don’t go to the movie theater as often as I used to. When I was in my twenties, I would go probably twice a month. In my thirties and forties, it became once a month. Now, in my fifties, I only go once in a blue moon (3-4 times a year). This could be […]
Bedroom lamps
Ok, in order to tell you tonight’s story, I have to fess up to something. Yesterday was the second “day one” of the 21 day new habit challenge (for me to kick the FB habit). I made it thru all (ok, most) of yesterday without getting onto FB. I believe I used it on the […]
Facebook challenge – 21 days for a new habit to “take”
A former Unisys colleague of mine, posted something either last night or this morning, about it taking 21 days for a new habit to take hold. Sometime on the way home on the bus, I think, I was thinking to myself, self, let’s give this 21 day habit thing a try. “Let’s stay off FB […]
President Trump’s so-called accomplishments/goals
President Trump’s “goals” and/or “accomplishments”: Withdraw from the climate change treaty/pact – done. Withdraw from NATO – deferred for now. Scrap NAFTA – done. Withdraw from TPP agreement (Trans-Pacific Partnership) – done. Repeal ACA (“Obamacare”) – done. Withdraw from JCPOA (“Iran nuclear deal”) – done. Withdraw from one of the nuclear missile limitation treaty’s with […]