There’s “trending news” today about some so-called “internet journalist” (i.e., IDIOT) who is now permanently banned from Twitter for inciting his followers to troll a movie actress. Here’s one woman’s (abbreviated) response why she agreed with Twitter’s action: “Women…are often at the receiving end of some of the most heinous of misogynistic trolling – and […]
Dinner with Nancy and Lois, before seeing South Pacific
Hi there. This is story #2 from this past Saturday night. Story #1 was my encounter with a stranger in the parking lot before dinner at “The old spaghetti factory”. Once I figured out how to pay for parking (had to download an app) and actually paid it, I walked across the street to the […]
Blogging about Lailah vs. re-watching “Better Call Saul”
Blogging about Lailah is so much better than re-watching S1 of “Better call Saul” (before moving onto S2). I’m pretty sure I left some good Lailah stuff out (with tonight’s Lailah post) – that’s what happens when you’re an old fart and your brain has become cold pasta, and the Lailah encounter that you’re trying […]
More to blog about this weekend, but got Lailah tomorrow
Man, I’ve still at least 2 more (interesting) stories to go, and I’ve got Lailah to myself tomorrow – I’m never gonna to catch up with blogging the stuff that happened this past weekend. Have I mentioned what happened on Sunday?? Heaven! (How does that song go??) Doesn’t matter – I was invited to go […]
Saturday’s outing with Lailah
To set the stage: My kitchen breakfast nook area has a huge window looking out toward the walk leading to my front door. <you’all have probably seen it in my Lailah kitchen table videos.> I’m eating breakfast this past Saturday morning, reading my newspaper (on my e-device). And, I hear some giggling outside, which makes […]