This, to me, is a very interesting story (the attached NPR story). Apparently there is something “important” going on, in the city of Cleveland, Ohio this week. Some sort of “convention”. No, I don’t think it’s the Model Railroading convention. Nor, is it “ComicCon”. I wonder which convention it is? Uh. Is it the “Keystone […]
Friend with IT background unwilling to learn about new technologies(?), or just tired
Friend of mine (who shall remain nameless to protect the innocent) is an IT person with as many years of experience as myself. Wanted to share some “documents” with them. Me: “…Do you or use Dropbox?” Them: “Never heard of it.” Well, OK, Then. I guess, based on your response, it seems you aren’t even […]
Curly red-headed actress with southern accent?
Help this old gizzer out – I’m trying to place an actress, but am not able to remember her name or which show she was on. This person had curly red hair, and spoke (I thought) with a southern accent. My first idea was a character on Roseanne, then I thought Designing Women (and no, […]
Woman in downtown parking lot
First story of the day. After having spent a totally wonderful day with little Lailah yesterday, I had plans on getting together with BFF Rick and a few other people for dinner and theater show in the evening (that story will be for another post). We had agreed to meet the the “Old Spaghetti Factory” […]
Seeing South Pacific in the evening after having Lailah that afternoon
Huh. Well. Starting from around 5:30pm Friday, thru 11pm tonight, it’s been a whirlwind of “activity”, in the life of Brian. You can tell with my lame opening of “Huh. Well.”, that I’m just too dad-blame tired right now (midnight) to write all about what’s transpired during this 30 hour period, since it would probably […]