Earlier this evening I received a text from the little girl, asking if she could babysit me tomorrow – I love getting texts like this one – of course I said “Yes!”. [twice now, two weeks in a row] She. Is. The. Best. GranPaBrian-Sitter.
Marlboro Brand now being used for marijuana cigarettes
“Branding” of Marijuana Cigarettes (opens in a new window) Way, way back when I was a clueless 6th grader (around 1970/71), I read a ‘science fiction’ short story/book). It was about a group of people (“hippies”) living during “caveman” times, and they were talking about the invention of various things, one example being “art”, with […]
Sad story in newspaper today
Sad story follows, sorry. I was in line today at the grocery store, and it was taking a bit longer than usual, so I picked up the nearby newspaper from the rack, and was glancing at the front page news. Saw the sad headline of a 24 yr old mom (in STP), coming home after […]
Re-Reading “The Girl…Dragon Tattoo”, part 2
Hmm, an update to my Stieg Larsson (“The girl with the dragon tattoo”) book reading. If you remember, I had already read the first two books around 4-5 yrs ago. Got a bit burned out after reading them back to back, and never went back to the final book of the trilogy. This was where […]
Peeve: Talking during a movie in the theater
I was having a conversation (with RML) last night, about people talking in a movie theatre – this person knows how I typically react, and mentioned to me they think I’m trying to be “confrontational” (by my asking the person talking in the theater, “could you please be quiet?”). No, I replied, I’m not trying […]