i’m just one lucky SOB [son of bob?]. Been logging into U/St. Thomas almost on a daily basis. Grade was posted today for the summer class: “A-“, giving an overall GPA of 3.52. Last course starts after Labor day.
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Various thoughts about cameras, photography
I have four “cameras” (my trusty Canon DSLR, the “newer” Sony Mirrorless, a Sony P&S (that fits in my pants pocket) and, of course, like everyone else, my cell phone). All of them have the now (pretty much) standard LCD screen that you can’t see a frigging thing on when you are outdoors in bright […]
Lailah news – picnicking & playing together
Had the opportunity to “picnic” and play outdoors with the most beautiful granddaughter Lailah this afternoon for a couple of hours. We were at a different park this time, still close by, but with a different set of “climbing” things for her to climb – some things she climbs without hesitation – while with others, […]
Behind in my posts!
Well, I’m kinda behind with my posts – it was a busy weekend and start of the week for me. I just posted pictures of the “Thrust” stage at the Guthrie – and was admonished by the volunteer usher that “ALL” photography was “Verboten!” (even when the musical hadn’t yet started). I guess they don’t […]
Geek Movie: Ex Machina
Stumbled across a very good, thought provoking, “cerebral” (geek) movie tonight: Ex Machina”, having a rotten tomatoes score of 92%. Highly enjoyed it, highly recommend it.