All morning long, off in the distance (behind the two story townhouses that face my front yard. (I.e, the next street over), there’s been this stupid on-going noise – it’s one of those small construction things with a shovel / scoop on the front, and a guy in a cage driving it (what are those called?). Anyway, every time it backs up, the safety beeper starts beeping. No big deal – we just need to turn the stereo a bit higher.
Now, they are on my street, with a dump truck.
The guy is plowing up the asphalt driveway across my street, and now, that house’s neighbor’s driveway, and the next driveway, etc. going down the street removing the old asphalt, from each driveway.
(i feel like I’m Gladys or Mrs. Kravits reporting on the goings on, in the neighborhood.)
The architecture of the townhouses differ in this immediate area. There are my units (one story with front and back yards), the units across the street (two story, front yard, no back yard, sharing their back side, with the back side of the units behind them), and lastly, two story units with both front and back yards (twin homes).
I’ve never figured out whether there are three separate townhouse associations or whether there is just one association for all three types/neighborhoods of townhouses.
But, gee whillikers, does each and every driveway need to be torn up, or maybe, you (the association) save some money and only tear up the ones that truly need it?
They did this a few years ago, replacing “everybody’s” roof shingles all at once.
My townhouse association fee dollars at work.
I wonder if my driveway is next (I have gotten any notice)?