In at work, at OMG, 4am, watching over the shoulder (logically, not physically) as my production support person installs my software release that I’ve been working on for past 12 months. Longest software development effort ever (for me). Not used to ‘s red tape of software development process. My effort was completed in early sept, […]
The Blog
U/ST class: Software Analysis and Design Tools – OVER!
Last night of class (System Analysis and Design Tools) was last night, submitted my video presentation on time (via YouTube, will share the link – haha – later), had a cold so my voice was pretty raw and didn’t follow my script as much as I should’ve, but overall, I think I did a pretty […]
Web Page Updated: Library / Model Railroading Books!
Check out this webpage of mine – I’ve just updated it with a list of duplicate MRR books that I’m trying to “get rid of” – either by sharing with my fellow MRR’s, selling on e-bay or donating to the Kalmbach Library (NMRA). Contact me if you have any interest in owning one or more […]
Request to keep my BFF in your thoughts
One of my best friends went thru a rough patch this past July and I had previously asked my friends to keep him in mind (and you did). Thank you very much for your support at that time. He called me a few nights ago, telling me he’s had a relapse and asked for my […]
MN Orchestra Lock-Out Fiasco – Part 2
I’m taking a break to yell “#%^?!%” at the MN Orchestra mgmt board! What the %^<#% were you thinking? You have now cost us our world renown conductor, and two very prestigious concerts at Carnegie Hall, and you are screwing us again, your paying audience, out of a second yr of listening to our orchestra – this […]
The start of a new era – creating my own website/blog.
Sometime, in the late ’90s, Microsoft (MSN?) had a very simple tool that allowed a person to create their own website – I did it and created several pages, listing various things about myself, such as my education, where I lived, it even included a list of […]. Anyway, One I created it, I didn’t […]
Class #3 at Saint Thomas: Systems Analysis & Design Tools
Well, I started my third Masters course at U/Saint Thomas last night: SEIS620 – Systems Analysis and Design Tools – 14 evening sessions, a bit more than 3 hours per session. So far, the instructor is a hoot and based on the first night, he should make this topic quite interesting. There are almost twenty […]
“The Butler” – thoughts about racism, etc.
A serious topic today – coming from my blog/website. Kelsey and I went to see “The Butler” last night at MOA. I had heard some good stuff about it and knew what it was going to be about, but didn’t know who was going to be staring in it, and did NOT read any reviews […]