I don’t know, can any intolerant 17-18 yr old homophobic and/or racist teenager change into a tolerant, non-discriminatory person in just 5-7 yrs as a young adult? I’m not so sure. Have they changed their tune because they actually saw the light, or just because they were “caught”? The article mentions not just one, but […]
etc. (Misc)
Birthday musings
This morning as I awoke from a deep slumber at 5:37 am, as the sun shown thru my window, I made a very important decision. I felt I wasn’t getting anything out of FaceBook any longer – it’s been about ten years (more, or less), since I first joined, I’ve not been getting any likes, […]
Finding lost treasure
Many, many moons ago, I was once married: Gail and I were together for 11 years, but we separated/divorced in 2000. Fast forward to 2006, and I sold the house Rose and I had lived in when we were together (the first time), and moved into a smaller townhouse, in “Beautiful Downtown Apple Valley”. During […]
IQ tests and my recent dishwasher experience
Came across a IQ test here on FB this morning. Didn’t have anything to do (other than the normal Saturday morning errands, the garage, the chores, etc.). Anything to get out of those jobs, so I took it. You had to discern twenty pattern recognition examples in twenty mins. I think I did alright, finishing […]
Canals in Saint Clair Shores
(note: need to further edit this story since it’s not flowing the way it should. need to add the pictures that go with this) (boy, this was just going to be a post about some stupid canals in SCS, but, wow.) ====== Starting around 1966/67, my mom went back to work (having started working during […]