Article on supporting really old computer programs (opens in a new window) Really interesting story about supporting a 60 yr old “computer application”…and not being able to find people that know the older programming languages [they mention Fortran, Assembly, even ALGOL.] I know that some of the code (programs) I wrote in the early to […]
Archives for November 2015
Lunch with BFF Rick today
Had a nice lunch with BFF Rick this afternoon, downtown MPLS (“Loon cafe” – just “ok” food for me, though Rick says his food was great). It was great getting together since today is an absolutely gorgeous day, and we decided to go for a walk around Lake Calhoun – just a real nice, fabulous […]
The “Twitch” app and Bob Ross!
Bob Ross! Read something recently about a thing called “twitch” (which is now a part of Amazon). Apparently it’s an iPad/iPhone app, and it streams “stuff”. The thing that caught my attention is that they are now streaming a marathon of Bob Ross painting shows…ALL ~380 of them. The “twitch” app is free, and the […]
Racial discrimination during jury selection
Racial discrimination during jury selection (opens in a new window) Racial discrimination during jury selection – by prosecutors. In this day and age?? By definition, a jury is impartial, and here we have officers of the court creating non-impartial juries. Why not do a “blind audition” similar to what orchestras do when auditioning musician candidates […]