Marching Bands article (opens in a new window) Great article about Marching Bands in Michigan (and their lack of funding by the state). There were many, many “things” in high school that influenced me into the person I am today. Marching Band (and the teachers, parents, etc., that supported this extra-curricular activity) are quite near […]
Archives for November 3, 2015
Supporting really old applications
Article on supporting really old computer programs (opens in a new window) Really interesting story about supporting a 60 yr old “computer application”…and not being able to find people that know the older programming languages [they mention Fortran, Assembly, even ALGOL.] I know that some of the code (programs) I wrote in the early to […]
Lunch with BFF Rick today
Had a nice lunch with BFF Rick this afternoon, downtown MPLS (“Loon cafe” – just “ok” food for me, though Rick says his food was great). It was great getting together since today is an absolutely gorgeous day, and we decided to go for a walk around Lake Calhoun – just a real nice, fabulous […]