Short two and a half minute video. At least watch the last 45-50 seconds. Obama Video
Archives for May 18, 2016
Steamy Scandal episode
I delayed watching scandal S5 until it ended recently,, and I’m now on E7, where Elizabeth North is meeting with David Rosen, and he is telling her, he doesn’t like her, repeats it’s more than a few times. She comes up to within centimeters of him, and makes him say “I like you” to her…and […]
Video plagiarism – part 1
Jamie is someone that I sometimes view, since she usually has a few inspiring/motivating thoughts, etc. She recently learned that there was a person who apparently also watches Jamie’s videos but then made her own “videos” using Jamie’s words – word for word. Watch this short video, you’ll first see Jamie speak for a few […]