If you want to see some pictures and video of what’s happening in California, search for “Peter DaSilva” on FB. He’s a professional photog, and while the subject is devastating, his pictures are, well, words escape me since you can’t call a photo of destruction “amazing”, or “beautiful” – not sure what word would be […]
Archives for November 11, 2018
Forest fires in California
It’s really gut wrenching to read the news, and seeing the recent photos from California, and realizing people are losing their homes, to another huge forest fire(s). I cannot imagine having to evacuate, and then coming back to find my home gone. Keeping those in California in my thoughts today. 🙁
Releasing new software once again at zero dark thirty
Up at 4:45 am to do a software application release/install, with a colleague. Fortunately, this can be accomplished at home. install went fine without any issues. Our testers/validators are scheduled to start testing at 7. Will have to wait until 8 for them to finish with that before (maybe) heading back to bed for a […]